Creating advantaged new
product platforms
Most organizations in need of significant growth feel their development
resources are underperforming. They feel that there are not enough "big
ideas" coming to the market quickly enough. In response to the increasing
focus and pressure the development resources start into a "grab anything /
do everything" downward spiral.
What are needed are:
1. A critical few attractive & big "New Idea Platforms",
for enduring and deep mining of several new products.
2. The key processes to balance the "frequency of innovation with
scale of innovation" paradox.
This module
leads development resources through a proven new idea generation process based
on 3 guiding principles:
1. Segregation of New Business Development work from Established
Franchise Maintenance work.
2. The balanced pursuit of "Big Ideas" while scoring
with some short term ones up front, resolving the “home runs” vs. singles”
3. Systematizing Big Idea platform development for broad & deep
long term "mining”.
The desired
end-state of this work is the identification of a critical few "Big
Idea" Innovation Platforms suitable for enduring "mining”.
The Concepts:
1. Segregation of New Business Development
work from Established Franchise Maintenance work.
The work and skills required to market
a product are very different from those required to develop a product.
Also, the work and skills required to launch
new products successfully are very different from the work and skills required
to continuously improve the existing franchise.
Existing Franchise Maintenance Work (examples):
a. SKU rationalization/working capital
b. Quality Assurance / waste elimination
c. Working cost out of existing products
& services
d. Short term product enhancement/line
extension work
e. Price realization
f. Target Marketing (finding customers) /
volume & loyalty growth
g. Customer/Sales troubleshooting
Distinctive new product development (examples):
a. Unmet needs / distinctive technologies
b. Distinctive solutions development and
c. Max market penetration strategies (the
"Penetration Waterfall")
d. Channel "sell in" support
Many businesses and Marketing groups make the mistake of organizing
resources and their work only by market or by category. They implicitly assume
that the resources within each group have the skill sets to do both new and
existing work in a balanced and professional manner. In most instances there is
more similarity in the work required to launch a new product regardless of the
product, than to manage a category of products with both development and
franchise maintenance work within the category.
When left to their own choices regarding how to balance the work within
their own plans, most resources will strongly lean to one side of the work or
the other. They are in fact emphasizing whichever skill base they feel most
comfortable with. This is why some categories or teams will never get to the
task of building the business of the future because they are more focused on
fighting the fires of today. And others may not achieve their existing short
term business goals because they are too focused on the future.
Both existing franchise maintenance work and new product development
work are equally important. In order to enable the organization to identify and
"mine" big ideas however it is critical to clarify and segregate the
work priorities between the two needs.
Don't misunderstand. This doesn't mean a complete segregation or
reorganization of the reporting structures of the business or significant
increases in redundant resource needs within teams. What must be done is to
clarify which projects are "EFM" projects and which are
"NPD" projects, and then make sure key resources are not confused in
their objectives, standards, or allocation of resources for each.
possible, resources should not be asked to do both EFM and NPD work on
"big idea" projects.
The process:
a. List all work that is consuming
development resources currently.
b. Divide them into EFM and NPD
c. Apply the Project Strategic
Prioritization Matrix process to them all
d. Determine how to more effectively
allocate this work in ways that minimize EFM / NPD resourcing paradoxes.
e. Then drive the NPD work and resources
through the remaining task steps of this outline.
Final note:
After the critical few Innovation Platforms have been chosen, a core
team of NPD resources should if possible be dedicated to each platform for
rapid & deep initial mining; either as a 'Jump start" task force or If
possible a permanent deep mining team.
2. The balanced pursuit of "Big Ideas" while scoring with
some short term ones up front.
Many executives are not willing to allow their new product resources to
focus on only a select few new ideas. They see it as too risky. There are many
reasons for this, most of them understandable (but not necessarily acceptable):
a. Historic new product
failure rates lead many executives to the conclusion that they can "beat
the odds" by having a large number of diverse new product projects.
b. Marketing
"accountability & autonomy" processes create many parochial
new product requests / requirements.
c. Businesses in trouble usually are looking for
lots of "quick" growth vehicles to rescue them.
d. Or, “few” infers “big”; and “big” infers
“big risk”
Many Executives feel "safer' when reviewing a long list of ideas,
hoping that a number of them will emerge as "winners”. This approach is
most always doomed. The New Product Development resources soon find themselves
churning up any and all ideas brought to them. They become reactors instead of
drivers of innovation. As their output becomes less inspired they are
challenged even more strongly to conceive of the breakthrough product that will
rescue the entire corporation, without license to drop the immediate
"small stuff'. Soon they lapse into a development paralysis. This
prioritization and resourcing paradox must be resolved at the outset or there
will continue to be a downward spiral of results.
The keys to resolution:
Though the Executive demands for immediate new products, as well as
"big ideas" is flawed in its overall lack of actionable direction, it
is not wrong in its intent. What is missing is clarity and specificity
a. What is a big and
small idea (definition & prioritization)?
b. How many ideas are
required to most likely deliver the desired result.
c. How big ideas will be
resourced and measured differently than small ones.
d. Criteria for
acceptance/resourcing each type of idea.
What’s needed is an understanding and a process for managing the
Development resources through this apparent "no win" paradox.
Here is a simple yet very effective way of defining the resolution
"You gotta rob a few gas stations while planning
the big bank heist!"
"Gas Stations":
Are opportunistic/share maintenance/line extension type projects.
Have significant probability of quick & high ROI (low invention
& capital requirements).
Have low "cost of being wrong"/failure impact (quick getaway
Have much lower resource requirements than "Bank heists".
Are strategic/core or new platform "mines"/business share
Have significant potential for large reinvestable returns
Are tangibly differentiated / distinctive (defensible invention
Are high impact / high visibility if they fail (difficult getaway).
Have much higher resource requirements than "Gas Stations".
High |
Strategic |
Back to the Drawing Board |
Bank Heists |
Value |
Jail Bait |
Gas Stations |
Low |
High |
Economic Value |
It is critical to establish clear demarcation between Gas stations and
Banks and the relevant resourcing of each. Gas stations are necessary but they
should be low risk "no brainers", or incremental improvements from an
established advantaged platform* Bank heists are what will really make you rich
but they are more resource intense and risky.
A "gas station" project that requires significant investment
risk and / or less than outstanding quick payback, is not a good bet. They must
be easy to hit, requiring few resources, and involving almost no risk.
A "bank heist' that has little strategic synergy or only average
payback is also risky. Big uses of resources require big payback with very well
conceived "getaway" plans.
Refer to "Project Prioritization Tools" for a
recommended process for "testing" and sorting projects into the right
Also refer to “Adding Value & Distinctiveness in Commodity Based
Businesses” for examples of Advantaged Development Platforms (“Banks”).
How many Banks versus gas stations?
Work back from Customer "launch windows" / bottlenecks.
The goal is usually to want a continuous stream of new product
launches. However most traditional Retail and Commercial "channels"
have a limitation on the # of calendar slots they will allocate to a producer
for new product launches. Also many retail channels charge substantial
"stocking fees" for new products. And finally, many Marketers
overestimate the # of new products that their own organization can successfully
launch (i.e., maximizing the depth and breadth of retail penetration and
consumer interest) in a relatively short period of time. Refer to "The
Penetration Waterfall" for more details.
For example purposes only: Some historic rules of
thumb can be established if no other information is available:
a. 3 new products per quarter per
homogeneous channel (i.e., U.S.
Supermarkets), 12 per year.
b. 2 big "Bank Heist" products per
c. This leaves a net 10 "gas
station" products per year per channel
Assuming a drop out rate from "idea" to
"commercialization" one could develop the following
"guesstimates" of the # of new ideas in the pipeline to meet the
launch window calendars:
# of New Product Projects: |
Process stages: |
Gas Stations |
Bank Heists |
Search for unmet needs |
25 |
4 |
Explore potential solutions |
75 |
12 |
Develop the "best" solution |
25 |
4 |
Apply and learn in market |
20 |
3 |
Maximize market penetration |
10 |
2 |
In this modeling example one would maximize market access of new
products if they staffed for 25 "gas stations" and 4 "bank
heists" per year.
a. Each "gas station "requires 9
months X 20 days/mo. X 4 people
b. Each "bank heist" requires 24
months X 20 days/mo. X 8 people
a. Gas stations require
720 man-days X 25 projects: or 82 people per 220-day work year.
b. Bank heists require
3840 man-days X 4 projects; or 70 people per 220-day work year.
This exercise shows that in many cases corporations will never resource
to maximize all launch windows (152 development resources required per
homogeneous channel calendar), and that they must therefore be more clear in
the expected output from a limited resource pool of development resources.
The keys to successful and rapid ramp up:
Some effective ways to expand the output per $ of NPD input is to:
a. "Outsource" or acquire a
certain # of new products from others.
b. Understand the
significant difference between "innovation" and "invention'; and
exploit "innovation" more.
c. Develop and adhere to
a strict "strategic & financial" project prioritization process
(see "Project Prioritization Tools").
d. Develop and implement
a "Rapid Fire Innovation" development process (see "Creating
a Rapid Fire Innovation Organization')
In any case however this exercise must be completed and accepted by
Management in order to resolve the development paralysis paradox!
3. Systematizing Big Idea platform development for broad & deep
This shift deals with the issue that a corporation can have a rigorous
development process and robust resource base, but without "big ideas"
it will still wallow in "incrementalism" and mediocrity. There are
many books and consultants specializing in how to reduce cycle time, or
thoroughly develop a product once there is an idea or concept to be worked.
However, what is most needed is a proven process to maximize the generation
of "big ideas".
Identifying attractive unmet needs is the fundamental starting point of
a successful "big ideas" development program. It's critical that this
process is not left only to "divine inspiration". Though ideas come
from many sources, many of them unsystematic and seemingly intuitive, the
corporation cannot afford to bet only on such low probability processes.
The Keys to resolution:
Big ideas are ideas that yield significant financial rewards while
redefining "the rules of the game" substantially to your advantage.
They are significant enough that they are not based on beating a particular
competitor at their game. Rather it is based on developing a select few "innovation
platforms" that are deep and robust enough for continuous
"mining" of many new products for an extended period; from an
advantaged perspective.
This process requires a shift of development management planning
processes to a more non-traditional form of strategic oversight of macro issues
and opportunities (consistent with corporate "business focus" and
“value proposition" work).
There are three proven process perspectives that have never failed to
yield some big ideas when applied in various industries:
1. "Macro
trends" analysis & interpretation
2. "Value
received" modeling
3. Chooser / user Attitude & usage
"logic streaming"
When deployed effectively these three "big idea development
tools" have yielded more opportunities than most are capable of
1. Macro Trends Analysis & Interpretation
How to identify them:
a. Read the newspapers! Reflect on the
driving forces that are shaping the attitudes and behaviors of."
Ø Your Target Market
"chooser/users" (more macro than their attitudes towards your
Ø Industry &
Ø Relevant Emerging
b. Talk to industry "thought
leaders" and / or non-traditional theoreticians such as cultural
anthropologists or Faith Popcorn.
How to "test" them, shape them, & refine them in
beneficial ways:
For each trend explore the following questions and their answers:
a. What is the driving force behind the
trend? Why does it exist?
b. How enduring is it? What would it take
for it to "go away"?
c. What's the scale of
the macro market opportunity (see “Penetration Waterfall" process
d. How does this trend
manifest itself in your core focus areas? How could it be considered
"core" to your business focus?
e. What product
development platforms could be conceived to address this need? "Word
pictures" of areas of focus, (vs. defined product ideas at this stage).
All conceivable possibilities should be briefly explored.
f. Which of these can we
develop a desirable, defensible, advantaged leadership position with?
(Refer to “Macro Trend Mining" Examples)
2. Value Received Modeling
are only two truly enduring product-positioning options:
a. "Works
Most effective in use
"Tastes best'
Tangible superiority/efficacy
Can be works best for the same price point as well, but this weakens
the opportunity for price realization premiums.
b. "Costs
Either unit cost, or "cost in use" (total user economics)
Tangible/measurable efficacy & economics
Can be "costs less" for the same degree of performance (or
taste), but this weakens the opportunity for price realization; a traditional
Private Label position.
The traditional "Best Value" position is a "false
trail". Its origins are in the thinking (of the 70's) that there were
three primary consumer segments for all products:
Quality Buyers |
Value Buyers |
Price Buyers |
It evolved (in the 80's) to the realization that "Value" is
not a position, but instead a continuum on a line between Price and Quality.
The keys to resolution:
Today it is evident (to us) that that the term "Quality" is
as flawed as the term "Value': If one wants to maximize the price/profit
realization of their products, they should shift to their thinking to a new
more effective paradigm:
Most Effective In Use |
Lowest Cost In Use |
Specific Target
Market Segments
New product platforms can be identified from specific modeling of the
economics and performance of current market leading products. Follow this with
"what if” modeling of the elasticities of the "scores" based on
shifts in each key element of the model.
The reasoning behind the important focus shift to Target Market
Segmentation is best illustrated by the following example:
Kimberly Clark’s highly successful
"AFH" division identified that the degree to which a product was directly
involved in the cost or quality of a customers product determined the
degree of leverage it had over pricing/profitability of the sale. A General
Motors plant viewed washroom supplies as indirectly involved in the
quality of their product so it was treated as a commodity and purchased as such
on bid (price only decision-making). However when Scott developed a special
"tack cloth" wiping material that was proven to remove all
contamination from the metal before painting a car, they could charge almost
anything for it. The cloth was directly involved in their product, and the
economics of the cost savings due to minimizing repainting a car before it left
the plant was substantial and measurable. Even though the customer was a
primary target market for the wipers, it was not for the toilet paper. However,
to complete the example, Marriott Hotels was a primary target market for the
toilet paper because the product was now directly involved in the
quality of their own product.
"Value" was in the eye of the
beholder, and based on tangible economics. "Quality" was actually
never an issue, relative to performance (i.e., Achievement of a specific
customer need). "Price" was established based on "User value
received" versus the standard "cost plus" trap many marketers
fail into.
How to identify & refine development platforms:
a. Specifically identify
target customers for your core businesses (can't be the traditional
"female heads of households 25+ years old").
b. Model the "cradle
to grave task streams" (example: "keeping kitchen floors
clean" versus "mopping kitchen floors').
c. Look for performance sub
optimization, cost adders, and/or savings opportunities in the entire task
stream. (Example: lack of synergy between the mop the bucket and the cleaning
d. Systematize the models
for easy and rapid modeling of several scenarios:
Market leading products (Johnson's Wax)
Other "substitutes" (vacuums)
Your current products
e. Play "what if
games" with each of the model variables to determine key leverage areas
and their elasticities.
f. Develop hypotheses
(product concept "word pictures') of potential "breakthrough" product
solutions that could significantly outscore others in the model (a mop that
doesn't require a bucket, water or cleaning post use).
Most always a few new "innovation platforms" will emerge from
this work for significant "mining". Note also that platforms that are
derived from this process are usually very enduring because the specific system
has been established with which to drive continuous improvement processes with
real "teeth".
3. Chooser /
User Attitude & Usage "Logic Streaming"
Sometimes "big ideas" are hidden within “little" ones!
As companies struggle to have robust lists of new product ideas, each
Brand Management team may reach intuitively and reactively for ways to freshen
or extend the results of their existing products. These "line
extension" opportunities can be quite narrowly defined (i.e. "let's
add more vitamin C to our product"), and potentially "lost” in
fragmented project work. When viewed from a more strategic and organized
vantage point many times a bigger idea is uncovered that was a hidden
"driving force" behind the smaller project.
Also, if every product team is working to make similar product upgrades
on their own, they are not deploying scarce resources effectively. If similar
work is "globbed" together development effectiveness and leverage
almost always improves, regardless of how "breakthrough/big" the glob
How to identify and refine new "Innovation Platforms';"
The process flow is one that takes user and non-user feedback on
current products or tasks and systematically / logically builds a step by step
interpretation sequence of the feedback through to product attributes and
technologies to be developed.
It looks like this:
U S E R / n o n u s e r |
f e e d b a c k |
E S |
Although there is
one process for this work, there are two starting points.
1. Current "user' & "non user" attitude and usage
study output.
2. Current product development project lists.
The first pass is
the more traditional path, and in many cases has already been followed to some
degree by many NPD organizations.
The second pass is the one that many times yields very stimulating
In this step each of the "small idea" projects are reversed
through the process. What may have started as a non-differentiated
"catch-up idea (we need to make Rice Crispy Treats"), when worked
back, yields a bigger idea/platform from which to mine many more potentially
bigger ideas from ("families are looking for ways to squeeze breakfast
into an already hectic lifestyle').
Ø Look for voids/misses in
the matrices
Ø Look for better
ways/ideas for meeting primary needs
Ø Look for primary needs
that are really misunderstood or unmet by current alternatives.
Before "small" projects are put at risk of cutting during the
Project Strategic “Prioritization & Resourcing" work, they should be
reverse engineered through this process to look for bigger ideas and
aggregating opportunities.
Final Notes on systematizing “Big idea” platform
As said at the outset; many good ideas come from intuitive / divine
inspiration. This can be great at times, and should not be discounted. However,
businesses cannot afford to accept this as the only process. The three work
outlines we have discussed in this module have proven themselves to be
effective systematic vehicles for generating big ideas as well, and should be
used to ensure a robust idea pool for continuous idea generation regardless of
other more intuitive approaches.
When a development organization has successfully completed this work,
it should have the following characteristics:
1. There should be a critical few Innovation Platforms
a. Consistent with the "Business
Focus" and existing / achievable capabilities
b. Not too many or too few (4 - 6 Platforms)
c. Based on exploring all 3 "big
idea" development processes
d. "Platforms" for product
developments versus individual "Products" themselves.
2. These Platforms should have
an innately "attractive" context
a. Stimulating internally and externally
b. Believable/marketable
c. Empowering versus
d. Globally
convergent/supported e. Deep, rich, and actionable "diamond mines"
3. They should be resourced effectively to achieve building the
business of the future while, maximizing short-term results (i.e.
"profitable growth").